How to Fix Error Code 28 in Windows 10?

Error Code 28 is one of the Device Manager Error codes. The reason behind its occurrence is a missing hardware driver. However, there are tons of possible reasons why that driver might not be installed on your system. But the solution of the issue will be the same no matter the root cause. In case your system displays, “The drivers for this device are not installed,” then you are facing the error code 28 as well. It could happen to any hardware device, whereas most of the time, code error 28 seems to affect sound cards and USB devices. Here are methods to solve your problem easily.

Techniques to Solve Code 28 Error in Windows

Any of the operating systems like Windows 10, XP, 8, or 7 could face code 28 error problem. So, follow the following directions to overcome it conveniently.

Restart Your System:

Most of the time, the problem seems to be resolved by rebooting the System. For that, follow the steps to restart your PC without facing any problem.
  • Go to the Start menu
  • Tap on the Power option available on the screen’s left side corner.
  • Select the Restart option.
  • Sit tight and wait until your System completes the process.
  • Now, check whether the problem is solved or not. Otherwise, try the next method to overcome it.
 Try to make a change in Device Manager:

In case you made any changes in your System, then it may have caused the code 28 error. So, it is recommended that to undo the changes and reboot your PC. Afterward, check the problem for the error code 28. Depending on the changes in your System you made, some solutions might involve re-configuring or removing the new installed software or device, utilizing the System Restore option to undo the recent Device Manager changes, and rolling back to the driver version before the update.

Update the Driver for the Computer:

Sometimes, outdated drivers can be the reason behind the error code 28 error on your computer. So, installing the latest update can help you out of the hard part without making too much effort. But make sure to install the drivers for the correct operating system. Apart from this, if you face any problem while updating the driver, then it is recommended that to disable the antivirus system during the process.

Replace the hardware:

 In the end, there can be a possibility that the device is not compatible with your System’s version. It is better to replace the hardware if the method as mentioned earlier does not work in your System. In case OS or software causing such a problem, then try installing Windows again on your device before changing any hardware.

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Ava Williams is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about security. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.


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