Best Microsoft Planner Tips to Try While Working from Home

MS Planner is a popular planning app provided by Microsoft that works compatibly on MS Office 365 platform. The application works smoothly to provide easy and reliable features to various corporate sectors, offices, institutions running on Office 365. It requires a premium subscription from the users to provide them better and premier tools and planning programs.
It helps the schools and various organizations to organize and plan their task as per their needs and comfort.
Here is how to manage your plans through Microsoft supported Microsoft Planner in a very effortless way:

Getting Notifications about Tasks

If you wish to get notifications regarding your Microsoft Outlook on Microsoft Planner, then you have to sync the Outlook account to MS Planner.  Once you have properly connected your MS Planner to Outlook, then you will start to get various notifications regarding Outlook.
To get Outlook notifications and updates, then follow these guidelines:
  • First and foremost, hit the gear-shaped icon there that is located at the right-hand side panel on the uppermost section of the MS Planner window.
  • After that, hit the option “Notifications” there.
  • Next, press the Yes tab, and you will view the Notification bar section there. Select one of the available and desired notifications.
  • Hit the Save tab to save your modification.
Note: In case you have selected the option “someone has assigned a task to me,” then you will be notified for further updates via Microsoft Teams, E-mail, and also with prompt notification features.  If you have installed Microsoft Teams, then it would be very better to manage your task by coordinating your tasks and through making communication between each other.
  • In case you haven’t synced the Outlook account to MS Planner, then hit the option “A task assigned to me is late, due today, or due in the next seven days.” This feature will notify you about the task that you have to do in the near future, and you forget to remind the specific task. It’s a great feature that helps the users if they are tardy and unconscious about their plans. It alerts them that the particular work is getting late.
  • This option also works if you failed to meet your project deadline and want to create a particular reminder.
  • Now, continue reading the article to know various procedures regarding planning for the task and completing all the specs to manage MS Planner. This article will help you to manage your future works with reliability and comfort.
Adding Plans to Favorites
  • Once you began using Microsoft Planner, all your future tasks will be pinned and available into the section “Recent Plans” placed at the sidebar.
  • In case you have only one or two plans, then it’s a straightforward task to search one of them, but if you have multiple plans, then you have to take the help of the Recent Plans section. This section also helps you a lot if some people or employees add your plans to the plans listing unexpectedly, then you have to go to “Recent Plans.”
  • If you are planning to add your most preferred plan to the list and need to remind by your system in the future, and then hit the “Favorites” button. Then, you have to add a particular plan that you wish. The Favorites section provides the quick accessibility of their most preferred plans with ease.
  • In case you wish to move a particular plan to the favorites panel, then hit the start shaped icon. This icon will be located just after the name of the plan. This action will promptly add your desired plan to the Favorites section.
Removing Plans from Favorites
In case by any reason you wish to delete a particular plan from the Favorites section, then follow the under followed guidelines:
  • First and foremost, hit the start shaped icon. This icon is a symbol of important or favorite.
  • Once you have hit on the star icon, your desired task will automatically remove from the favorites. It will get into the section “Recent Plans” once more.
Modifying Task Groupings
All the tasks are grouped in various separate sections by default, such as “In Progress,” “To-Do,” “Done,” etc. These are also known as task buckets, but Microsoft Planner provides various features to its users, such as grouping tasks by their own comfort and accessibility. This can be done through making changes in the Task Groupings.
  • One can create or group your task based on date preference, priority, Assignee, and date.
  • To modify your task groupings, pursue these guidelines:
  • Hit the tab “Group by Bucket” option placed at the uppermost right-hand side section of the interface.
  • After that, select various properties section as per your preferences, and they will automatically rearrange into the newly modified bucket. For Example, if you have selected “Priority,” then your task will automatically be grouped into the new section.
  • If you wish to go back to see your task into the actual bucket, then hit the section “Group By” and then select the option “Bucket.”
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