Netflix’s Mockumentary Show ‘Death to 2020’ Got Negative Reviews

Charlie Brooke’s Death to 2020 was supposed to be a mockumentary series in 2020, but it turned out as a horror. Death to 2020 is a mockumentary 70 minutes show that features a series of fictional characters discussing the events of the United Kingdom and the United States, including the presidential election and the COVID-19 pandemic. The show was released on 27 December 2020 on Netflix. It created much hype near its streaming dates but received a mostly negative critical response. In the show, a few characters discussed the event of 2020 with a mixture of true satire and information. However, the most highlighted topic of the series is a coronavirus. The film covers Australia’s bushfire in 2019-20, the environmental speeches of Greeta Thunberg’s at the World Economic Forum, the 2020 presidential election of the United States, the 2020 Oscars, and the stepping down of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan from British royal family. The show covers the killing of G...